Tuesday 13 November 2012

Looper: A Review

Judging from people's reactions, Looper could very well be this year's INCEPTION. A high concept film loved by critics and audiences.

I must say, I was among one of the few who were not excited about the film. The marketing of the film never really did "get" me.

Therefore, I went into the cinema, expecting a standard chase thriller between Willis and Levitt. I was wrong.

The Film is brilliant, the idea is absolutely brilliant and (despite how weird it is) Levitt's make-up, made him a convincing "young Bruce Willis"

Set in the not too distant future, 30 years before time travel is invented. Crime organisations utilise the technology to dispose "Undesirables" from the future in the past, effectively erasing these people from existence. Doing the dirty jobs done are the "Loopers", who are paid by Silver attached to their target's back. However, Looper's life span are limited. Sooner or later, every Looper is required to dispose of their future selves, and spend the next 30 years living their life quietly, before they are sent back to the past ("Closing the loop") to die.  Levitt's future self (Willis) arrived in the past to die, only, he already concocted a plan to do something else. Something that set him and his younger selves at the barrel of each other's guns.

Levitt did a very good job portraying Joe the Looper and so is Willis as Old Joe. Both character's motivations perfectly made sense, it's  a bit hard to pick sides (until certain point).

The director did a very good job in capturing the grimness of both the present and the future world. There is a Blade Runner and Children of Men-esque vibe in these two worlds.

Overall one of the most refreshing film to have come out in recent years.


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