Thursday 22 November 2012

ARGO: A Review

Based on a declassified true story of a CIA operation in the late 70's and early 80's.  ARGO follows CIA Agent, Tony Mendes from the planning stage to the execution of the plan in the field.

The film starts with angry mobs filling the street outside the US Embassy in Tehran, demanding the return of a former Dictator that is harboured by the US. The Mob eventually gets in and takes the Embassy. Six people however, managed to escape to the safety of the Canadian's Ambassador Home.
Knowing that the Iranian militants will soon find out and attempt to capture the six people to be executed with the others. Racing with time to prevent it, CIA begins an operation to extract the six out of Iran without the militants' knowledge.

Argo is appropriately gritty, just like any film of its genre. The Hollywood scenes set a very nice contrasts between the worlds in Argo (Iran, CIA, Hollywood).  These scenes are also among the film's most humorous moments.

The Six Civilians actors play their part well, not only have they been made up as similar to their counterpart as possible (As shown by the end credits) the actors successfully made you care about these people which gives us the epic finale.

Without doubt, one of this year's best films.


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