Sunday 17 June 2012

Madagascar 3: A Review

One of Dreamworks Animations most lucrative properties (along with Kung Fu Panda) made yet another landing in cinemas this year, and I must say, this film is a huge step up from its predecessors and possibly the best of three. (Unlike Po, Alex & co. started their cinematic journeys in a rather mediocre fashion)

Ever since 'How To Train Your Dragon' Dreamworks animation seems to be hell bent in achieving what their biggest rival, Pixar had always managed to achieve in their films: a perfect balance between story and spectacle ('HTTYD''s an excellent example)

Anyway after two movies of being stranded in the wild, our animal quartet finally makes their way back to New York, by helping out a dying circus and tour Europe, needless to say various mishappenings and shenanigans occur along the way.

The film's villain Chantal Dubois (played by Frances McDormand) is a delight, and I think, the only 'real' antagonist in these films.

The Story remains typically Dreamworks and true to the 'Madagascar way', however unlike the last two, this one managed to play around with visuals and 3D quite well, the Monte Carlo Chase, and the Circus Scene are two most epic moments in Animation Films this year (so far..)

The only thing lacking from this film, is that catharsis moment which again, 'HTTYD' did so well.  However, this film remains to be a delightful addition to summer movie season, and very entertaining.


Monday 11 June 2012

Prometheus a review

Probably the film most shrouded in Mystery this year, the biggest question naturally was 'is it Alien prequel or not' is, but not really. Not a direct prequel at least, but it does share some of 'Alien's DNA' to quote director's Ridley Scott's own words.

The story follows scientist's Elizabeth Shaw (played by Noomi Rapace, I swore I heard one of the characters called her 'Lisbeth' at one point lol) on her journey to find the alien race called 'Engineers' (also space jockeys) only, she, along with the crew of the ship Prometheus, landed on the Engineers home world, but rather a base where the engineers engineer (excuse the pun) a weapon for reasons not so benevolent.

Of all films in the Alien Franchise, this has to stand as one of the better ones (below Alien and Aliens), it is also a perfect combination of Alien and Aliens (is that a hint of Avatar I see there?)

The casts in this film were all splendid, and like everyone else, I agree that Michael Fassbender's performance shines the brightest as the android David which has Bishop's likeability factor and Ash's dastardliness, and well Fassbender's charm, such a delightful character.

Overall this is a pretty good film, but it fails sadly, to be on Alien level. It poses so many questions but not the answers to those questions. It looks fantastic and 3D's done pretty well (the opening looks particularly good in 3D)  I think they should move on with the sequel already and answer the questions!
